Why use blogs in network marketing? Because a blog can become your home on the web; your living room where prospective leads can meet you and get to know you. We all know that the likelihood of a purchase is significantly increases as the level of trust increases in your relationship with leads https://theteentalk.com/. One of the limitations of network marketing online has been that, except for your ad content or your landing page and sales page copy, people have little opportunity to read about you, let alone spend time getting to know you. Therefore it makes sense to offer a place for people to read about you, to read your thoughts on various topics that might interest them and to spend time building a positive opinion about your. That place is your personal blog.
By blogging about topics interesting you and related to your keywords, you will begin to build personal credibility. Prospects will begin to see your expertise and knowledge on subjects which interest you. It is important that you allow your personality come out in your blog posts. You should express yourself, allowing a peak into your personal interests and passions! As this occurs, they will identify “hooks” upon which to hang opinions of you. This is a critical step in relationship building.
Another critical step in relationship building is social proof, or social credibility. Buyers want to know that other thoughtful people think well of you too. This social credibility makes it easier to trust you. A blog allows readers to comment and engage you in conversations that other people can read. A blog allows you to create a visitor’s gallery, like a Google Friends Connect widget, where visitors who like your blog can sign in as a supporter. Again, social proof that you offer value.