When bodybuilding and steroids go wrong, usually there is a display of the classic ‘roid rage’ with an increased aggression and even violent behavior. Another negative connotation with steroids is the acne that can develop due to a hormonal imbalance. in the body. These are never pleasant experiences, neither for the steroid user themselves or the people, friends, family and loved ones around them.
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When body building and steroids go wrong, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of one of the above more common side effects. People can overdue steroids and overdose. This can cause major damage to one’s body and/or even death. Always make sure you know what you are doing and even consult a physician before taking any kind of steroid. It could be the difference between life and death.
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Another scenario of bodybuilding and/or steroids going wrong would be if someone were allergic to steroids. This would obviously cause complications that a normal allergic reaction would cause. Not a good situation to be in so again, it is important to make sure that you know your body and your allergies, etc. Better to be safe then sorry.
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