Do you use a treadmill as part of your overall fitness routine? Whether you are a runner or a walker, an efficient treadmill workout is one of the best ways to train your heart and reduce fat. And yet, many people who use treadmills don’t get the full benefit from their workouts. Here are three common mistakes to avoid…
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Mistake #1: Not Varying Your Workouts
One of the most common complaints we hear about treadmill workouts is they are boring. Well, that’s not the treadmills fault. Let’s face it, we are all creatures of habit. Once we find something we are comfortable with, we tend to stick with it.
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However, when it comes to treadmill workouts, familiarity is not the best approach.
In order to increase your capacity and make more progress in your fitness level, you need to vary your workouts. If you do the same workout week after week, your body will adapt and it will no longer present a challenge. Give yourself permission to become uncomfortable.
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