Anti-Stress Tips For Anti-Aging

Numerous studies have shown that your health is greatly affected by how you react to stressful events in life. By the same token, changing your reactions and committing to a positive attitude toward life can help you live a longer and improved quality of life.

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More than half a century ago, Dr. Hans Selye recognized the mid-body connection involved with stress, as all of his patients had similar physiological and psychological characteristics, two of which were loss of appetite and increased blood pressure. Further studies found that rats exhibited these same physiological responses when they were put under stress. Selye concluded that stress is “the non-specific response of the body to any demand placed upon it.” According to Selye, it is not the stress itself that harms us but the distress it causes. In other words, where stress becomes negative is in our responses to it.

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Chronic negative stress has now been shown to lead to a number of medical problems, including anxiety, depression, headaches, allergies, ulcers, and heart disease. In the long-run, negative responses to stress can wear down the immune system and ultimately to cause disease such as cancer that are traditionally otherwise associated with aging. In fact, elevated levels of cortisol, found in conditions of chronic stress, is also found two to seven days before death. High cortisol levels are associated with many of the degenerative diseases of aging, including hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. Elevated cortisol is also linked to some degree to obesity.

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